The Little Loop


The Little Loop is a lifesaver for parents with kids that are constantly growing: a clothes swap club for children aged 1 to 12. Simply choose what you love, keep them as long as you like, then swap for something new.

Membership of Little Loop gives you access to over 12,000 carefully curated pieces from the best ethical, wear-and-tearable brands.

Click to shop →


The Little Loop measures the carbon emissions they save each year by reducing the amount of new clothes being produced - and say their business saves 13,537kgs of CO2 each year. However, we would like to see The Little Loop begin to track, measure and account for their own scope 3 emissions, as well as how they plan to reduce these in order to reach Net Zero.


The Little Loop’s brand criteria when selecting brands ensures that all garment workers are paid a fair wage.


We really like The Little Loop’s circular rental business model. We also like how when an item is beyond repair and can no longer be rented out, their first port of call is to upcycle it themselves as patches for repairing other garments. If that's not possible, they send end of life garments to be recycled by their partners at the Salvation Army. The Little Loop provides lots of information on their website, however we would love to see an annual impact report from them in order to understand their sustainability mission in more detail. We’d also like to see more detail on how they are reducing their own company carbon emissions.

Assessed: December 2023


Mini Rodini

