Daylesford Organic


For 20 years, Daylesford Organic has been selling mouth-wateringly delicious produce from its regenerative and organic farms. They focus on replenishing the land, top-quality produce and an alluring sustainability aesthetic. They’ve also been awarded the coveted new Green Michelin Star.

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In 2021, Daylesford carried out their first comprehensive carbon footprint to gain a detailed understanding both in their business and supply chain. They are currently working with new technologies to measure the sequestration capacity in their soils and other carbon capture projects to gain a better understanding of their net emissions. As a next step, we’d like to see Daylesford report these results, as well as releasing their plans to reach Net Zero.


Daylesford is a UK based company, and therefore we assume they adhere to UK employment regulations.


Daylesford farm organically and sustainably, raising all of their ruminant animals on an organic, free-range and grass-pastured system. This doesn’t just apply to their cows – their chickens and turkeys also enjoy a life roaming their lush organic pastures, foraging for bugs, insects, worms, fruits and clover throughout their lives.


Daylesford are certified by a number of strictly assessed certifying bodies including the Soil Association, Organic Farmers & Growers and SALSA, and they are currently working towards B-Corp certification. Information on Daylesford’s sustainability policies and practices is available on their website, but as a next step, we would like to see an annual impact report from Daylesford to increase their transparency and the level of detail they share.

Assessed: August 2023




Delphis Eco