Bird & Wild Coffee


As their name suggests, Bird & Wild are on a mission to protect migratory birds through selling delicious, shade-grown fair-trade coffee that protects not just tropical birds but also the richness of the soil.

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What sets Bird & Wild apart is how their coffee is shade grown under a variety of native trees; this means that unlike more common open plantations, the tropical forest can be preserved in the canopy above, and their plantations act as carbon sinks. Bird & Wild are Soil Association certified, as well as being the only coffee with the Bird Friendly Certification, awarded by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Centre. As a next step, we would like to see Bird & Wild fully outline their scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions and their plans to eliminate these and reach Net Zero, as well as more details on whether the carbon sequestered by their shade grown coffee is enough to offset their emissions.


Bird & Wild are certified Fairtrade, payments are made to suppliers in advance, and measures are taken to ensure non-discrimination, and the welfare of children. Bird & Wild is based in the UK, and therefore they will adhere to UK employment regulations.


Bird & Wild coffee keep birds in mind; shade farmed coffee protects the abundance and diversity of local birds and insects via the native tree canopy. What’s more, 6% of sales are donated to the RSPB, and Bird & Wild also contribute to and support the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Centre’s research and conservation programmes.


Bird & Wild are starting to become more circular with their packaging, making all of their packaging domestically recyclable, and replacing plastic bubble wrap with recycled shredded cardboard. We would like this to be pushed further in the future. They don’t currently list their suppliers, but plan to do so in the future, along with making their coffee single origin. Bird & Wild are heading in the right direction with their transparency and sustainability goals – keep going!

Assessed: June 2023


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Bird Sunglasses