Mitchell & Dickinson


With gas prices high, there’s never been a better time to insulate your home. Mitchell & Dickinson specialise in energy-saving secondary glazing and insulation for period and listed properties.

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Mitchell & Dickinson track and report their scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions which are verified by Go Climate Positive. They are carbon negative through their insulation work, which has resulted in carbon savings that are fifty times greater than their footprint. They estimate that they have saved households over 100,000 tonnes of CO2e. As a next step, we would like to see them set a date for reaching net zero. 


Mitchell & Dickinson have supported local women's shelters and work with schools. They have also been sponsored by Carbon Savvy, which educates people on how to reduce their emissions. They provide fair working conditions for their employees and expect the same standards from their suppliers.


Mitchell & Dickinson work with their suppliers to have materials made to fit their bespoke projects in order minimise waste. As a next step, we would love to see an annual impact report from Mitchell & Dickinson in order to increase their transparency in the way they communicate their sustainability policies and practices.  

Assessed: February 2024


The Copper Crew

