ecoegg is a no-brainer from a money-saving point of view. By our calculations, their £9.99 laundry egg could save a family of 4 about £200 over its 10 year life time and save you from throwing away around 50 plastic bottles. What’s more, they do a good job of cleaning your clothes too.

Click to shop →


ecoegg has a Climate Positive Workforce as they offset the carbon footprint of their employees through Play It Green by planting trees. They currently do not report their scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, and we would like to see this alongside their plans for Net Zero. 


ecoegg is a UK based company, and therefore we assume they adhere to UK employment regulations. We would like to see ecoegg provide further information on who their suppliers are and where they are located. 


ecoegg claims that their products are vegan and cruelty-free. As a next step, we would like to see certification of this such as Leaping Bunny.


ecoegg seek to minimise single-use plastic through their refillable laundry eggs; according to their calculations, this reduces the amount of single-use plastic bottles by around 40 per egg each year. Their packaging uses FSC-approved cardboard and vegetable-based inks. As a next step, we would love to see an annual impact report from ecoegg in order to increase their transparency in the way they communicate their sustainability policies and practices, such as the measures that they have in place to protect the environment during production. 

Assessed: November 2023


Eco-Homemaker ❀


Ethical Silk Company