Berry Bros. & Rudd


Berry Bros. and Rudd have been a family run business since 1698 and have used that time to develop a sustainable, high-quality wine for current and future generations.

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Berry Bros. and Rudd are a family run business, and as such are committed to protecting the environment for future generations. They provide information on their emissions and are aiming to be Net Zero by 2030. They acknowledge the complexities around certification for smaller suppliers, but try to encourage them to be as sustainable as possible, strongly promoting regenerative viticulture programmes. We look forward to their 2023 Sustainability Report.


As Berry Bros. and Rudd are based in the UK and a large number of their suppliers are based in the EU, we assume they adhere to UK and EU labour standards. They provide a comprehensive breakdown of their gender pay and bonus gap each year and are striving to create a better working space for their employees, including mental health support and hybrid working options. They donate to a range of charities and organisations, including the Prince’s Countryside Foundation and the DrinkAware Campaign.


As sustainability is a part of Berry Bros. and Rudd’s ethos, they have switched to using solar energy where possible and offer a cork recycling scheme. In the future we are interested to see what steps they take to introduce recycled materials, such as glass, into their packaging.

Assessed: July 2024



