8 of the best books on green living

Looking for some inspiration on being a conscious consumer? Wondering how you can eat in a way that heals your gut and the planet? Fed up with the doom and gloom around climate change and searching for some solutions? Then, we have the book for you. We’ve just launched the Green Salon Bookshop for all the green reads you need to educate, empower and entertain you.

We know that climate change and green living can feel like a practical and psychological minefield. That’s why we’ve started the Green Salon Bookshop. It’s packed with books that help you find the joy in green living, transform climate anxiety into action and find your way back to the solace of nature.

You can find hundreds of books focused on nature and wellbeing in our new bookshop from joyful green reads, to thought provoking green reads and even greedy green reads. They all have one thing in common: they search out solutions. Here are 8 of our favourite to get you started.

The Well-Gardened Mind, Sue Stuart-Smith

In a powerful combination of contemporary neuroscience, psychoanalysis and brilliant storytelling, The Well-Gardened Mind investigates what many gardeners have known for years - reconnecting with nature can radically transform our health, wellbeing and confidence.


The Future We Choose, Christiana Figueres & Tom Rivett-Carnac

One of the most powerful books on climate change ever written. The first half of the book on the outcome of business-as-usual is a shocking wake-up call, but it’s the second half, laying out the perfectly achievable solutions that inspires and uplifts. This book could be the tipping point we all need.


Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer

In a rich braid of reflections that range from the creation of Turtle Island to the forces that threaten its flourishing today, Braiding Sweetgrass circles toward a central argument: that the awakening of a wider ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world.


Turning the Tide on Climate Anxiety, Dr Patrick Kennedy-Williams & Megan Kennedy-Woodard

It's hard to scroll through social media without seeing something disturbing about the climate emergency. This books lays out how the solution to climate anxiety and the climate crisis are one and the same - taking action - and empowers you to take steps towards this.


Go Gently, Bonnie Wright

Go Gently is a lovely, nurturing guide for creating a sustainable home that takes care of you as much as the planet. Like all of us at Green Salon, Bonnie believes that the best way to change our planet and ourselves is through a gentle approach, rather than a judgmental one. This is a book of do's rather than don'ts.


Losing Eden, Lucy Jones

Jones takes us to the cutting edge of human biology, neuroscience and psychology, and discovers new ways of understanding our increasingly dysfunctional relationship with the earth. Urgent and uplifting, Losing Eden is a rallying cry for a wilder way of life - for finding asylum in the soil and joy in the trees - which might just help us to save the living planet, as well as ourselves.


Climate Optimism, Zahra Biabini

The fate of humanity can be daunting, but we don’t need to live in that space. First, we need to change our attitude in order to implement nature based solutions that help mitigate climate change. The good news? There are numerous encouraging environmental trends that will change the way you think about how we can protect the planet. 


Simply Living Well, Julia Watkins

With step-by-step guidelines, gorgeous photography, and easy recipes for everyday use, Simple Living Well is about reducing our footprint for the generations to come. Watkins is a woman after our own Green Salon heart, who invites you to transform your daily life to a simpler & greener one, beautifully.

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